15 January 2010

Periodicals Survey - Please Participate

If you have not yet shared your opinions in the SCGS Periodicals Survey, please do so at your earliest opportunity. We need to have your input in order to be able to provide the periodicals you want.

We are asking for feedback about our two quarterly periodicals, The Searcher and The News & Notes. The Board is facing financial and editorial decisions on these publications, and the decisions will affect every SCGS member. We need to hear your opinions now.

The survey should take no more than 10 to 15 minutes of your time, depending on your answers. If you would like, you may temporarily pause the interview and finish it later.

Your comments will remain confidential and your responses will be reported to the Strategic Planning committee only in summary form, combined with other respondents' answers. Click on the following link to take the survey:


Thank you in advance for your participation.

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