22 March 2021

[CA-SCGS] Monday Meet The Speakers - Jamboree 2021

Donna M. Moughty 

Donna Moughty has been conducting family research for over 25 years. She teaches and lectures about Irish research, methodology and computer topics, locally and at national and regional conferences and institutes. In addition, she provides consultations, research assistance and training. Donna takes groups to Ireland each year to research and is the author of the "Quick Reference Guides for Irish Research." Her blog can be found at www.IrishFamilyRoots.com/blog. 


Michael Provard 

Mike Provard has worked at FamilySearch for 35 years and is currently an Events Coordinator and a member of the RootsTech core team. He has presented at national genealogical and library conferences, specializing in beginning research, FamilySearch topics, and Illinois research. 


Brian Rhinehart 

Brian Rhinehart, of Rhinehart Roots Genealogy, is a graduate of Boston University’s Certificate of Genealogy Research course, and was recently featured in Family Tree Magazine. He has attended various genealogy institutes, including the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (GenFed) in Washington DC. Brian specializes in Civil War and War of 1812 records at the National Archives and has retrieved military files for hundreds of clients there. 


Diane L. Richard, MBA 
Mosaic Research and Project Management 

Diane L. Richard has been a professional genealogist since 2004. She researched for the TV show "Who Do You Think You Are?" She has authored almost 300 articles for such publications as Internet Genealogy and Your Genealogy Today, and is editor of the North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal. She has spoken nationally about the availability and richness of southern records, genealogical research techniques and tips, as well as under-utilized resource collections. 


Southern California Genealogical Society 
#SCGS2021@scgsgenealogy, #SCGSJamboree, 

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